Wednesday, September 11, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am by President Esther Cioffi. Bruce Mendini led the Pledge of Allegiance and Helene gave a heartfelt prayer including the remembrance of the 23 rd anniversary of the 9/11 violence on the World Trade Cener and other locations.
All board members were in attendance except Joan Otero and Toni Cramer. Esther welcomed our guests: Patti Lockart, Village trustee; Angelina Searles, TOC Senior Resource Services Director, Carrie Blanchard, TOC Senior Resource Services Specialist II, and the new TRS Club members.
Bruce was called on to go over evacuation procedures in case of a fire.
The Secretary read her report and also mentioned that it will be posted on our portion of the informational column in the Center as well as on the website.
The Treasurer’s report was given, if interested in seeing the report, check with the treasurer. (See attached) Helene also made the entertainment report for the August Picnic and noted that we made out good this year and came out ahead in the black for a change with all expenses paid.
Announcements were read, including information on the NYS Inflation-Reduction-Act, all handouts will be available after the meeting.
The September birthdays were recognized. The Sunshine report was given by Esther stating that Alida is still on point with getting all cards, birthday, etc. out in a timely manner and the loss of Janice Wall and her funeral arrangements were discussed. The memorial boards and the procedure for maintaining them were discussed, also. We thanked Ned Johnson for his generous donation for the memorial boards and his many years of service.
The Membership report was given and the reminder that renewals will start at the November meeting; with a reminder that if new members join in November, they will get 2025 membership as well.
Helene mentioned that we will be needing volunteers for the Entertainment Committee to plan the after the holiday party. The volunteer can opt to chair just the party. Everyone was reminded to always wear your TOC lanyard to all Club events including meetings.
The Trip Committee Chair, Jackie Mendini mentioned that she is looking for volunteers to join her as she plans for the upcoming year’s trip committee. She is also asking for trip suggestions. An additional announcement was made regarding a harpist event in Latham.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, October 9 th at 10am at the Center.
A presentation by Angelina Searles regarding bullying was given along with updates on how they are working with the Village to secure a place for us at the Center. Patti Lockart was called upon to clarify the Center fee structure as well as comment on what Angelina stated. Carrie Blanchard went over the overall office procedures of the Resource Services. Esther announced that she is working with Chrissy to allow the Club to have a game day in the dining area after the lunch is served on our Wednesday meeting day.
A presentation by the Shaker Heritage Society was made and information was on hand for distribution.
Raffles numbers were drawn. A poll was taken on who would be interested in any of the trips mentioned
today. Good news was mentioned. Motion to adjourn was made by Peg Coager and 2 nd by Diane, all were in
favor; meeting closed at 11:21 am. Esther asked for assistance in moving chairs back along the wall.
Submitted by
Barbara Williams, Secretary
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 9th @ 10:00 am at HBK Senior Center
All board members were in attendance except Joan Otero and Toni Cramer. Esther welcomed our guests: Patti Lockart, Village trustee; Angelina Searles, TOC Senior Resource Services Director, Carrie Blanchard, TOC Senior Resource Services Specialist II, and the new TRS Club members.
Bruce was called on to go over evacuation procedures in case of a fire.
The Secretary read her report and also mentioned that it will be posted on our portion of the informational column in the Center as well as on the website.
The Treasurer’s report was given, if interested in seeing the report, check with the treasurer. (See attached) Helene also made the entertainment report for the August Picnic and noted that we made out good this year and came out ahead in the black for a change with all expenses paid.
Announcements were read, including information on the NYS Inflation-Reduction-Act, all handouts will be available after the meeting.
The September birthdays were recognized. The Sunshine report was given by Esther stating that Alida is still on point with getting all cards, birthday, etc. out in a timely manner and the loss of Janice Wall and her funeral arrangements were discussed. The memorial boards and the procedure for maintaining them were discussed, also. We thanked Ned Johnson for his generous donation for the memorial boards and his many years of service.
The Membership report was given and the reminder that renewals will start at the November meeting; with a reminder that if new members join in November, they will get 2025 membership as well.
Helene mentioned that we will be needing volunteers for the Entertainment Committee to plan the after the holiday party. The volunteer can opt to chair just the party. Everyone was reminded to always wear your TOC lanyard to all Club events including meetings.
The Trip Committee Chair, Jackie Mendini mentioned that she is looking for volunteers to join her as she plans for the upcoming year’s trip committee. She is also asking for trip suggestions. An additional announcement was made regarding a harpist event in Latham.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, October 9 th at 10am at the Center.
A presentation by Angelina Searles regarding bullying was given along with updates on how they are working with the Village to secure a place for us at the Center. Patti Lockart was called upon to clarify the Center fee structure as well as comment on what Angelina stated. Carrie Blanchard went over the overall office procedures of the Resource Services. Esther announced that she is working with Chrissy to allow the Club to have a game day in the dining area after the lunch is served on our Wednesday meeting day.
A presentation by the Shaker Heritage Society was made and information was on hand for distribution.
Raffles numbers were drawn. A poll was taken on who would be interested in any of the trips mentioned
today. Good news was mentioned. Motion to adjourn was made by Peg Coager and 2 nd by Diane, all were in
favor; meeting closed at 11:21 am. Esther asked for assistance in moving chairs back along the wall.
Submitted by
Barbara Williams, Secretary
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 9th @ 10:00 am at HBK Senior Center